Battery backup systems allow you to stay powered without relying on utility companies.

Types of Battery Systems

Grid-tied battery backup systems - batteries within an electrical system also served by the utility grid. Grid-tied systems are used for backup power and self-consumption.

Off-grid battery backup systems - Batteries that charge from solar or wind generators and are not connected to the grid. Off-grid systems are designed to supply all power needs over any duration of time.

Why use grid-tied batteries to back up your home?

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Batteries can be used to store energy from wherever you source your power - solar or the grid. During a power outage, batteries provide energy security by powering electricity to critical appliances and medical equipment, such as freezers, water pumps, sump pumps, CPAP and oxygen machines, heating and cooling. Think through what would be lost or inaccessible if your electricity went out? What additional expenses would you incur? Grid-tied solar systems will not provide electricity when the grid is down without a backup battery.

Energy from batteries can be strategically deployed to improve your home’s resilience and maintain the comforts of life - no matter what happens.

We offer solutions ranging from powering your home for a single day to powering your home for weeks on end if the grid goes down.  

Pairing a battery with solar allows you to refill the battery while the grid remains out of service.

Maximize your annual solar savings

Batteries can also improve your annual solar savings by minimizing energy sent to the grid that may receive a lesser value than the retail rate. Why not maximize your savings, improve resilience and improve your sustainability efforts with a battery backup system?

Compare solar battery backup with natural gas generators.

family security with solar battery backup

Contact us to discuss your plans for battery back up with solar.

Michigan Solar Solutions provides a Free Solar Home Analysis to let you see if solar is right for you. We visit your home or business when you request us to, and we promise to never ‘high pressure’ sell you anything. We are here to help you, and we will make going solar easy with a complete turnkey system. We handle everything for you and even provide free monitoring for the life of your system!

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Using only satellite imagery and your most recent electric bill, our solar experts can provide a detailed proposal with up to 98% accuracy. The best part is there’s zero obligation and zero pressure. We’re confident once you see what you can save, you’ll upgrade to solar.

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